TORIBASE - Texture Pck
these textures are for Torinyan Base!!
the darker tones may be different to the lighter ones as they are drawn separately!!
Thank you Yara for making lovely makeup textures!!
i n f o :
- these textures are for the Torinyan Base.
- this pack includes ten/twenty textures.
- this are NSFW textures.
- if you buy the makeup pack you'll receive a psd file as well as transparent textures which you can place over the face textures.
r u l e s :
- you are aloud to use these textures for commercial use, only if the avatar is paid for.
- do not share any of the textures.
- do not split the price with someone to pay for these textures.
- please don't use these on free models!
l i n k s :
- toribase [ ]
p r o g r a m s u s e d :
- Substance Paint
- Photoshop
c o n t a c t :
- if you have any questions about these textures contact me at seagull#7330
- you can also contact me through seagull.vrc on instagram
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